Tuesday, April 16

Author: SergiuHKR

Web Tricks

Turbocharge your DevOps workflow by incorporating databases changes

Accelerate DevOps Momentum by Incorporating Database Changes Surveys indicate you're probably under serious pressure to deploy new releases and application changes at a rapid pace. Many organizations like yours have adopted or are planning to implement DevOps within the next year. But when application updates require Oracle database changes, the DevOps pipeline screeches to a halt. The traditional Oracle database change management process creates a major bottleneck in the agile DevOps workflow. It's time for a better approach. Database, get ready to join the DevOps party! How can you make your database development more agile and responsive to changes? What if you could bring database development into the DevOps process via Continuous Database Integration? Imagine if you could: Ensure all t...
Web Tricks

Capture and Report JavaScript Errors with window.onerror

  onerror is a special browser event that fires whenever an uncaught JavaScript error has been thrown. It's one of the easiest ways to log client-side errors and report them to your servers. It's also one of the major mechanisms by which Sentry's client JavaScript integration (raven-js) works. You listen to the onerror event by assigning a function to window.onerror: window.onerror = function(msg, url, lineNo, columnNo, error) { // ... handle error ... return false; } When an error is thrown, the following arguments are passed to the function: msg – The message associated with the error, e.g. "Uncaught ReferenceError: foo is not defined" url – The URL of the script or document associated with the error, e.g. "/dist/app.js" lineNo – The line number (if available...