Wednesday, March 12

A Quick Roundup of Recent React Chatter

Like many, many others, I’m in the pool of leveling up my JavaScript skills and learning how to put React to use. That’s why Brad Frost resonated with me when he posted My Struggle to Learn React.”

As Brad does, he clearly outlines his struggles point-by-point:

  • I have invested enough time learning it
  • React and ES6 travel together
  • Syntax and conventions
  • Getting lost in this-land
  • I haven’t found sample projects or tutorials that match how i tend to work
  • I’m less competent at JS than HTML and CSS

It seems that Brad’s struggles resonated with others as well, inspiring empathy and help from the community. For example, Kevin Ball touches on the second and third frustrations by supplying a distinction between React and ES6 and examples of the syntax and conventions of each:

For each feature, I show a couple examples of what it might look like, identify where it is coming from, give you a quick overview of what is called and what it does, and link off to some resources that can help you learn about it.

Super awesome!

Shortly following Brad’s post was this tweet from Sara Soueidan:

You know that lit up the Twitterverse. Yes, it’s provocative, but the sentiment is pretty clean cut as she clarified a little later:

Speaking of jQuery, Sarah Drasner had written a post a little while ago that showed how Vue can be used as a jQuery replacement and requires no build process at all. Well, the same can be true of React, despite the fact that both frameworks are predominantly used in complex app environments.

And, if all this talk about moving away from jQuery and into complex app environments sounds scary, then maybe this interview with Bruce Lawson will be reassuring to you. After all:

The end user doesn’t care whether your website is made with React or Angular or webpack or Broccoli or Grunt or whatever. They just want it to work in their damn browser.

But, still, there may be circumstances where React will be the right tool for the job and you’ll want it in your toolbox. For example, WordPress is using it as the basis for it’s upcoming Gutenberg editor meaning WordPress developers (and that’s a lot of us) will want to heed Matt Mullenweg’s advice to “learn JavaScript deeply.” Our guide on developing for Gutenberg might be a great place for you to start that journey.

All in a day’s work, right?!

The post A Quick Roundup of Recent React Chatter appeared first on CSS-Tricks.


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