Friday, January 17

Tag: Google Analytics

How to Use Exploration Reports in Google Analytics 4
Google Tag Manager

How to Use Exploration Reports in Google Analytics 4

Compared to Universal Analytics, Google Analytics is missing a lot of predefined reports that we are familiar with (e.g. landing page, site search, etc.). I don’t know if this will change in the future, but I hope so! In the meantime, we got a pretty powerful suite of reporting capabilities called Analysis Hub. It’s the place where you can do ad-hoc analysis and dig deeper into your data. In today’s blog post, I wanted to focus on one particular part of it, Exploration Reports in Google Analytics 4. Table of contents Main components Variables Segments Dimensions and metrics Tab settings Segment comparisons Rows Columns Values Filters The Output (report) Examples of Exploration reports Landing pages report Order coupon code report Additional things ...
Google Tag Manager

Enhanced Measurement in Google Analytics 4: The Guide

When installed on a website (without any additional configurations), Universal Analytics (a.k.a. GA3) was tracking just page views. If you want to see any other interactions in your reports, you’d have to implement additional event tracking. To improve that, Google Analytics 4 offers more out-of-the-box interactions that are tracked without the need to change the website’s code or configure a GTM container. That suite of auto-tracking features is called Enhanced Measurement. Of course, you will still need to implement a bunch of recommended or custom events to get the most out of GA, but the enhanced measurement is a welcome addition for those who are just looking for very basics. However, there are some nuances as well (that I’ll also talk about).   Table of Contents + Hide table of co...
Google Tag Manager

How to fix Low Bounce Rate in Google Analytics

Everybody wants to have a low bounce rate in Google Analytics. This phrase was recently said in the Google Tag Manager community by one of our members. The quick discussion was about whether particular events in Google Analytics should be tracked as interactions or not because the choice impacts the bounce metric. The truth is that bounce rate isn’t that important, after all. I mean, it is (to some extent). But not that much as some of you might be thinking. Unfortunately, many marketers still take the metric way too seriously. I’ve seen some them even using it as a KPI(!!!). While bounce rate can give you some valuable insights on whether the visitors are engaging with your content/page, it also makes inexperienced people focus on the wrong things. Instead of improving what really matte...