Chrome 69 is notable for us CSS developers:
- Conic gradients (i.e.
background: conic-gradient(red, green, blue);
): We’ve got lots of interesting articles about conic gradients here, and here’s some use cases and a polyfill from Lea Verou. - Logical box model properties:
, andborder
all get an upgrade for more use cases. Think of how we havemargin-left
now — the “left” part doesn’t make much sense when we switch directions. Now, we’ll havemargin-inline-start
for that. The full list is margin-{block,inline}-{start,end}, padding-{block,inline}-{start,end} and border-{block,inline}-{start,end}-{width,style,color}. Here’s Rachel Andrew with Understanding Logical Properties And Values. - Scroll snap points (i.e.
scroll-snap-type: x mandatory;
): What once required JavaScript intervention is now happily in CSS. We’ve been covering this for years. Goes a long way in making carousels way less complicated. - Environment variables (i.e.
): Apple introduced “the notch” with the iPhone X and dropped some proprietary CSS for dealing with it. The community quickly stepped in and now we haveenv()
for browsers to ship stuff like this.
I guess we can give this version number a well-deserved nice.
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