Wednesday, October 23

Creating the “Perfect” CSS System

My pal Lindsay Grizzard wrote about creating a CSS system that works across an organization and all of the things to keep in mind when starting a new project:

Getting other developers and designers to use the standardized rules is essential. When starting a project, get developers onboard with your CSS, JS and even HTML conventions from the start. Meet early and often to discuss every library, framework, mental model, and gem you are interested in using and take feedback seriously. Simply put, if they absolutely hate BEM and refuse to write it, don’t use BEM. You can explore working around this with linters, but forcing people to use a naming convention they hate isn’t going to make your job any easier. Hopefully, you will be able to convince them why the extra underscores are useful, but finding a middle ground where everyone will participate in some type of system is the priority.

I totally agree and the important point I noted here is that all of this work is a collaborative process and compromise is vital when making a system of styles that are scalable and cohesive. In my experience, at least, it’s real easy to walk into a room with all the rules written down and new guidelines ready to be enforced, but that never works out in the end.

Ethan Marcotte riffed on Lindsay’s post in an article called Weft and described why that’s not always a successful approach:

Broad strokes here, but I feel our industry tends to invert Lindsay’s model: we often start by identifying a technical solution to a problem, before understanding its broader context. Put another way, I think we often focus on designing or building an element, without researching the other elements it should connect to—without understanding the system it lives in.


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