Saturday, July 27

Tag: Build PWA Angular 6

Web Tricks

Building A PWA Using Angular 6

In this tutorial, we’ll be using the latest Angular 6 to build a PWA by implementing the core tenets that make a PWA. We’ll start by creating a front-end web application that consumes a JSON API. For this matter, we’ll be using the Angular HttpClient module to send HTTP requests to a statically JSON API generated from the Simplified JavaScript Jargon GitHub repository. We’ll also use Material Design for building the UI via the Angular Material package. Next, we’ll use the “Audits” panel (Lighthouse) from Chrome DevTools to analyze our web application against the core tenets of PWAs. Finally, we’ll explain and add the PWA features to our web application according to the “Progressive Web App” section in the Lighthouse report. Before we start implementing our PWA, let’s first introduce ...