Friday, February 21

Tag: cross domain tracking

Cross-domain tracking in Google Analytics 4
Google Tag Manager

Cross-domain tracking in Google Analytics 4

Note: If you are looking for a Cross-domain tracking guide for Universal Analytics, read this guide instead. If you are familiar with cross-domain tracking in UA, you probably know that most of the configuration is done either on the code level (e.g. in gtag.js) or in GTM (GA tags). Because of that, many marketers and web analysts were confused about what to do where. Luckily, in Google Analytics 4, things have been greatly simplified. In this guide, I will show how to configure cross-domain tracking in Google Analytics 4. First, we’ll start with the problem that cross-domain tracking solves and then we will go to the actual configuration. Table of contents The problem of multiple domains What is cross-domain tracking in Google Analytics 4? How does cross-domain tracking work in G...
Google Analytics Cross Domain Tracking with Google Tag Manager
Google Tag Manager

Google Analytics Cross Domain Tracking with Google Tag Manager

There are already plenty of resources online that explain how to implement Google Analytics Cross-domain tracking. However, it feels that the questions of this topic are still one of the most popular ones in the community (source of this statement: my gut). And that’s no surprise. Sometimes people just blindly follow guides without properly understanding WHY this or that was made. In other cases, they do understand the basic principles but are not aware that their case/project has some nuances. That’s why I decided to also chime in, join this bandwagon and give my take on how to explain Google Analytics Cross-domain tracking with Google Tag Manager. Brace yourself, this guide will be a long one (but definitely rewarding). P.S. If you’re not sure whether you should use Google Tag Manager...