Friday, March 28

Tag: css grid

Web Tricks

CSS Frameworks Or CSS Grid: What Should I Use For My Project?

Among the questions I am most frequently asked is some variety of the question, “Should I use CSS Grid or Bootstrap?” In this article, I will take a look at that question. You will discover that the reasons for using frameworks are varied, and not simply centered around use of the grid system contained in that framework. I hope that by unpacking these reasons, I can help you to make your own decision, in terms of what is best for the sites and applications that you are working on, and also for the team you work with. In this article when I talk about a framework, I’m describing a third party CSS framework such as Bootstrap or Foundation. You might argue these are really component libraries, but many people (including their own docs) would describe them as a framework so that is what we ...
CSS Tricks

CSS Grid Areas

I think of named grid areas in CSS Grids as bring-your-own syntactic sugar. You don't absolutely need them (you could express grid placement in other ways), but it can make that placement more intuitive. And, hey, if I'm wrong about that, correct me in the comments.   Say you set up a 3-column grid: .grid { display: grid; grid-gap: 1rem; grid-template-columns: 200px 1fr 1fr; } No rows defined there; those are implicit and will appear as needed. We could define them, we just aren't, because like most situations in web design, we don't care how tall the items are — the height will grow as needed to accomodate the content. Now, how do we place something in that very top-left position in the grid? We could tell the grid to place it there like this: .item { ...
7 Tutorials and Tools to Get You Started With CSS Grid
CSS Tricks, Web Tricks

7 Tutorials and Tools to Get You Started With CSS Grid

  CSS Grid is here, people are starting to use it, and it’s even referenced by our industry’s latest official buzzword. I could go on about how it’s the future of web design and layout. I could wax lyrical about how anyone not using Grid will be left behind when the Rapture happens, and everybody on Wikipedia’s list of Internet pioneers will come back to take us to the great LAN party in the sky. Comcast (yes, all of them) won’t be invited. My point is that if you’ve been paying attention — if you’re reading this, you probably do — then you know that stuff already. But let’s just say that you’ve heard a lot of good things about CSS Grid, but haven’t had a chance to play with it, yet. Where do you start? You start here, and you click the links listed below. Tutorials Your ...