Tuesday, October 22

Tag: css shape editors

CSS Shape Editors
CSS Tricks

CSS Shape Editors

Firefox 62 is shipping out of beta on September 5th. The big notable thing for CSS developers is that it will now support the shape-outside property with polygon(), circle(), and ellipse(), joining Chrome and Safari.   What will be nice about the Firefox release (well, it's kinda already nice if you use something like Firefox Developer Edition which is already on 62), is that it has a shape editor built right into DevTools. Chrome supports shape-outside as well, but there is no native DevTools helper for working with them. Thankfully, Razvan Caliman has a Chrome Plugin that does a great job. (Razvan contributed to the Firefox version as well, I hear.)   I enjoy using shape-outside as it can add real visual interest to a page that isn't nearly overdone or trendy just ...