Wednesday, March 12

Tag: Events in Google Analytics 4

Recommended Events in Google Analytics 4
Google Tag Manager

Recommended Events in Google Analytics 4

There’s a lot to cover when it comes to event tracking in GA4. But since the platform is now event-based, it’s natural that I have a bunch of guides related just to events. In this quick guide, we’ll take a closer look at one group of events, recommended events. The list of recommended events (in alphabetical order) I presume that some of the visitors of this blog post are just looking for the full list of all recommended events in Google Analytics 4. If you’re one of them, then here it is. I have combined all lists from Google’s documentation into a single list. But if you want to learn the full picture of the recommended events, then jump to the next chapter and read/watch with great attention. add_payment_info (when a user submits their payment information). Parameters: coupon, curre...