Friday, March 14

Tag: Live Share

Web Tricks

Getting Started with Live Coding in Visual Studio Code w/ Live Share

  Live Share for Visual Studio Code is HOT OFF THE PRESS and publically available as of May 7th 2018! What? You've been living under a rock and haven't heard of it? Don't worry, let me fill you in. Live Share is an extension for VS Code that enables real-time collaboration between developers. Live Share is an extension for VS Code that enables real-time collaboration between developers. As you'll see in a second, you'll have the ability to share a "session" with someone else, allowing them to edit code as well as share a sever and debugging session. I've seen real-time collaboration in action with Cloud 9 before, but to have this now be a part of my favorite text editor is extremely exciting! So, let's go ahead and take a look at how it works. TLDR: How do I set up Live Share in 4...