Wednesday, March 12

Tag: using reduce()

CSS Tricks

Why Using reduce() to Sequentially Resolve Promises Works

Writing asynchronous JavaScript without using the Promise object is a lot like baking a cake with your eyes closed. It can be done, but it's gonna be messy and you'll probably end up burning yourself. I won't say it's necessary, but you get the idea. It's real nice. Sometimes, though, it needs a little help to solve some unique challenges, like when you're trying to sequentially resolve a bunch of promises in order, one after the other. A trick like this is handy, for example, when you're doing some sort of batch processing via AJAX. You want the server to process a bunch of things, but not all at once, so you space the processing out over time.   Ruling out packages that help make this task easier (like Caolan McMahon's async library), the most commonly suggested solution fo...