What does the ‘h’ stand for in Vue’s render method?
If you’ve been working with Vue for a while, you may have come across this way of rendering your app — this is the default in the latest version of the CLI, in main.js:
new Vue({
render: h => h(App)
Or, if you’re using a render function, possibly to take advantage of JSX:
Vue.component('jsx-example', {
render (h) {
return <div id="foo">bar</div>
You may be wondering, what does that h do? What does it stand for? The h stands for hyperscript. It’s a riff of HTML, which means Hypertext Markup Language: since we’re dealing with a script, it’s become convention in virtual DOM implementations to use this substitution. This definition is also addressed in the documentation of other frameworks as well. Here it is, for example, in Cy...