Tuesday, February 18

Big news: Google Tag Manager Online Course is Coming Soon

Lately, I haven’t been very active. Neither on analyticsmania.com, nor on GTM Facebook community. And there’s a reason for that: I’m been building my first Google Tag Manager online course! I’m so thrilled to show it to you guys, however, there’s still a lot of tweaking and polishing needed.


Why did I decide to launch a GTM Course?

Well, it feels like the time has come 🙂 I’ve been intensively working on Analytics Mania, as my side project, for more than 1.5 years and the blog has significantly grown since then, so I think I’m ready to gather my knowledge, convert into a course and provide it to those who might want to learn GTM faster.

Another reason is that other GTM courses (for beginners) which I’ve seen are either way too long (with unnecessarily too long chapters and intros/pauses), or too short and just scratching the surface. Or just random compilations of GTM-related videos. No offense to anyone.

I wanted to create a course which not only shows you how to do this or that (because courses should not create monkeys which just blindly press buttons) but also explaining and showing why this or that happened.

I’ll also include an event tracking framework/workflow that I follow (and explain) during my live GTM workshops. When beginners nail it (and they definitely do that), they get that AHA! moment and start tracking events much faster and more precisely.

This course will transform “I have heard something about GTM” into “I know GTM well and I manage my codes and tags with confidence”.

However, it’s important to understand that the course will definitely not cover all the possible GTM topics as I tried to build everything balanced and keep only those lessons which are really helpful for beginners in their current stage and help them reach that transformation sooner.

I could easily create a 20-hour-long course, but the length is not the point. It’s all about the result.


Who is this GTM course for?

I designed this course for:

  • beginners who are just starting with GTM (or maybe just considering to start)
  • and intermediate users who still haven’t connected all the puzzle pieces in order to systematically think how X or Y can be tracked with GTM

This course will not be suitable for:

  • Experienced or advanced GTM users
  • Those who are willing to track mobile apps or AMPs. This course will solely focus on website tracking.


What’s inside that GTM course?

The complete list is not yet fully revealed but the current list is still filled with stuff:

  • 10 modules
  • 60+ video lessons (8+ hours)
  • Access to a sandbox website (that is used by me in the course). That way you’ll be able to carefully follow me step-by-step. If you don’t want to, feel free to apply new skills on your own website.
  • Quizzes
  • Learning at your own pace
  • All lessons are available at once (that’s not a drip course)
  • A closed Facebook group where all the course participants and I can discuss issues and new things they’ve just learned
  • Lifetime access to the course material
  • Certification
  • etc.


When will this course go live?

The launch is expected to happen in August, roughly after 2 months.


How CAn people enroll in that course?

The best way for an outsider to prepare is to join the waiting list. All current Analytics Mania email subscribers will also be informed so there’s no need for them to join the waiting list.

During the launch period, an early-bird discount will be available, therefore those who are among Analytics Mania subscribers or on the waiting list will get a chance to enjoy the course by spending less.

If you enjoy my content on Analytics Mania and think that someone would definitely benefit from this upcoming course, send them a link and recommend joining the waiting list. A appreciate that A LOT!


So what’s next?

For me? I’ll continue working on this course, therefore the frequency of new free content will drop. But that’s temporary, and after the course, I’ll come back to my regular schedule.

For you? If you’re interested, join the waiting list. If your friend/colleague/someone else might be interested, send them a link. The waiting list WILL NOT subscribe anyone to the regular newsletter, therefore no spam which is unrelated to the course itself.

That’s it for now. I hope you’ll hear from me soon.

The post Big news: Google Tag Manager Online Course is Coming Soon appeared first on Analytics Mania.

Source: analyticsmania

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