Thursday, March 13

Smashing Book 6 Released

The hotly anticipated Smashing Book 6: New Frontiers in Web Design, is released today. Dedicated to some of the thorniest problems we face in our professional lives, it takes a swing at some of the biggest headache-triggering issues in contemporary web design, from the accessibility of single-page apps in React and Angular, to designing for Smart watches.

You’ll find solutions to problems with CSS’ latest layout tool CSS Grid, as well as CSS custom properties—the much needed answer to variables in CSS—plus asset loading in the world of HTTP/2.

As well as the developer-focused content that makes Smashing popular, you’ll also find some design-specific topics. The book covers implementing design systems in the real world, designing conversational user interfaces, both augmented and virtual reality design, working with chatbots, and the hot topic of the moment: responsive art direction.

Authored by some big-names in the industry, including a few WebdesignerDepot favourites, the book includes content written by Laura Elizabeth, Marcy Sutton, Rachel Andrew, Mike Riethmueller, Lyza D. Gardner, Yoav Weiss, Adrian Zumbrunnen, Greg Nudelman, Ada Rose Cannon, and Vitaly Friedman.

Smashing Book 6 is available now, as a hardcover or an ebook, direct from Smashing Magazine.

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