Wednesday, March 12

Tag: custom metrics in goggle analtyics 4

Custom metrics in Google Analytics 4
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Custom metrics in Google Analytics 4

If you have tried to configure Google Analytics 4, you should already be familiar with custom dimensions. Basically, any custom text parameter that you send to GA4 (and that you want to use in the reports), should be registered as a custom dimension. But you can also customize your setup by sending custom metrics. What are they and how can you configure them? In this blog post, I’ll share the steps on how to configure custom metrics in Google Analytics 4. First, let’s start with some theory, and then we’ll dive into the practical stuff. Table of contents What are dimensions in Google Analytics? What are metrics in Google Analytics? A number can also be a dimension Examples of Custom Metrics How to configure custom metrics in GA4? #1. Update the GA4 event tag #2. Test the...