Thursday, March 13

Tag: hotjar and google tag manager in web tracking

Google Tag Manager

Hotjar and Google Tag Manager: The Guide

If you’re interested in tracking website visitors and seeing that data as heat maps, then Hotjar is the right tool for you. In fact, the tool doesn’t only allow you to create heat maps but also lets you view things as scroll depth, create funnels, and ask your visitor questions, and more. Since Analytics Mania’s main target is GTM users, this blog post will not be an exception and I’ll show you how Hotjar and Google Tag Manager play along. Other guides I’ve seen online, usually explain just the installation part, even though there’s much more to be discovered, like event tracking, session tagging and more. Table of Contents What is Hotjar? How to install Hotjar via Google Tag Manager? How to track page views on a single-page website with Hotjar and Google Tag Manager? How to tra...