Tuesday, March 11

Tag: VS code 1.32

Web Tricks

VS Code 1.32: Autocomplete in Vue Templates

The VS Code 1.32 February update is out now and with it comes some great new features for Vue users. Let's run through the list of features that are in the new 1.32 update: Color themes without reloading: Install and apply new theme extensions without reloading. Keyboard shortcuts editor improvements: Modify keybinding 'when' conditions in the editor. Problems panel hover commands: Apply Quick Fixes or open a Peek window directly from hovers. Preferred Code Actions: Preferred (mostly likely) Code Actions support auto fixing common issues. Debug Console customization: Modify font size, font family, and line height of the Debug Console. Big list of updates as usual! This is why VS Code has consistently been used by so many developers. Vue Templates Autocomplete Every month of VS...