Wednesday, February 5

CSS Tricks

CSS Tricks

How to resize an Image using CSS object-fit Property

The CSS object-fit property is used to specify how an image or video should be resized to fit its container. This property tells the content to fill the container in a variety of ways; such as "preserve that aspect ratio" or "stretch up and take up as much space as possible". Example: We can use object-fit property like below. img { width: 200px; height: 400px; object-fit: cover; }   The object-fit property can have the following values: fill - This is default. The replaced content is sized to fill the element's content box. If necessary, the object will be stretched or squished to fit contain - The replaced content is scaled to maintain its aspect ratio while fitting within the element's content box cover - The replaced content is sized to maintain its aspect rat...
Using Event Bus to Share Props Between Vue Components
CSS Tricks

Using Event Bus to Share Props Between Vue Components

By default, communication between Vue components happen with the use of props. Props are properties that are passed from a parent component to a child component. For example, here’s a component where title is a prop: <blog-post title="My journey with Vue"></blog-post> Props are always passed from the parent component to the child component. As your application increases in complexity, you slowly hit what is called prop drilling that is React-focused, but totally applies). Prop drilling is the idea of passing props down and down and down to child components — and, as you might imagine, it’s generally a tedious process. So, tedious prop drilling can be one potential problem in a complex. The other has to do with the communication between unrelated components. We can tackle a...
CSS Tricks

What are Durable Functions?

Oh no! Not more jargon! What exactly does the term Durable Functions mean? Durable functions have to do with Serverless architectures. It’s an extension of Azure Functions that allow you to write stateful executions in a serverless environment. Think of it this way. There are a few big benefits that people tend to focus on when they talk about Serverless Functions: They’re cheap They scale with your needs (not necessarily, but that’s the default for many services) They allow you to write event-driven code Let’s talk about that last one for a minute. When you can write event-driven code, you can break your operational needs down into smaller functions that essentially say: when this request comes in, run this code. You don’t mess around with infrastructure, that’s taken care of for you. It...
CSS Tricks

Using Recompose to Share Functionality Between React Components

Sharing functionality between React components is a pretty common need. The concept is that we can establish the behavior in one place and then extend it across different components. Higher-Order Components are one way to do this. Yet, there is another way using a library called Recompose. GitHub Repo What is Recompose? The documentation helps us answer that: Recompose is a React utility belt for function components and higher-order components. Think of it like lodash for React. Basically, it’s a library for React that contains a bunch of helpers that return different higher-order components — which is nice because it takes some of the grunt work out of defining common React patterns and making them immediately available to extend to other components. What exactly can it do? Well, let’s w...
CSS Tricks

One Invalid Pseudo Selector Equals an Entire Ignored Selector

Perhaps you know this one: if any part of a selector is invalid, it invalidates the whole selector. For example: div, span::butt { background: red; } Even though div is a perfectly valid selector, span:butt is not, thus the entire selector is invalidated — neither divs nor span::butt elements on the page will have a red background.   Normally that's not a terribly huge problem. It may even be even useful, depending on the situation. But there are plenty of situations where it has kind of been a pain in the, uh, <code>:butt. Here's a classic: ::selection { background: lightblue; } For a long time, Firefox didn't understand that selector, and required a vendor prefix (::-moz-selection) to get the same effect. (This is no longer the case in Firefox 62+, but you...
CSS Only Floated Labels with :placeholder-shown pseudo class
CSS Tricks

CSS Only Floated Labels with :placeholder-shown pseudo class

The floated label technique has been around for a good long while and the general idea is this: we have an text input with the placeholder attribute acting as a label. When a user types into that input, the label moves from inside the input to outside of it. Like so: Although I don’t see this pattern used on the web all that much, I do think it’s an interesting one! There are different approaches to it, but Nick Salloum describes a new one using a combination of :not and :placeholder-shown: This UI technique does indeed slightly bend the definitions of label and placeholder listed above, in the sense that we’re giving the placeholder more initial importance in having to explain the input to the user, but it’s a tradeoff for a neat UI component, and one that I’m personally comfortable mak...
CSS Tricks

Moving Backgrounds With Mouse Position

Let's say you wanted to move the background-position on an element as you mouse over it to give the design a little pizzazz. You have an element like this: <div class="module" id="module"></div> And you toss a background on it: .module { background-image: url(big-image.jpg); } You can adjust the background-position in JavaScript like this: const el = document.querySelector("#module"); el.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => { = -e.offsetX + "px"; = -e.offsetY + "px"; }); See the Pen Move a background with mouse by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen. Or, you could update CSS custom properties in the JavaScript instead: const el = document.querySelector("#module"); el.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) =>...
CSS Tricks

The industry’s best open API

(This is a sponsored post.)With our robust SDK, super clean dashboard, detailed documentation, and world-class support, HelloSign API is one of the most flexible and powerful APIs on the market. Start building for free today. Direct Link to Article — PermalinkThe post The industry’s best open API appeared first on CSS-Tricks. Source:
CSS Tricks

The Codification of Design

Jonathan Snook on managing the complexity between what designers make and what developers end up building: Everything that a designer draws in a Sketch or Photoshop file needs to be turned into code. Code needs to be developed, delivered to the user, and maintained by the team. That means that complexity in design can lead to complexity in code. That’s not to say that complexity isn’t allowed. However, it is important to consider what the impact of that complexity is—especially as it relates to your codebase. Jonathan continues in that post to argue that designers and developers need to be in a constant feedback loop in order to properly assess whether the complexity of the design is worth the complexity of the engineering solution. I’ve been thinking about this sort of thing for a really ...
CSS Tricks

How Do You Put a Border on Three Sides of an Element?

I saw a little conversation about this the other day and figured it would be fun to look at all the different ways to do it. None of them are particularly tricky, but perhaps you'll favor one over another for clarity of syntax, efficiency, or otherwise. Let's assume we want a border on the bottom, left, and right (but not top) of an element. Explicitly declare each side .three-sides { border-bottom: 2px solid black; border-right: 2px solid black; border-left: 2px solid black; } While that's pretty clear, it's still making use of shorthand. Completely expanded it would be like this: .three-sides { border-bottom-color: black; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-left-color: black; border-left-style: solid; border-left-width: 2px; border-...
CSS Tricks

Selectors That Depend on Layout

"Why the heck don't we have ::first-column?" I heard someone ask that the other day and it's a valid question. I'd even take that question further by asking about ::nth-column() or whatever else relates to CSS columns. We have stuff like ::first-letter and ::first-line. Why not others? There are many notable things missing from the "nth" crowd. Seven years ago, I wrote "A Call for ::nth-everything" and it included clear use cases like, perhaps, selecting the first two lines of a paragraph. I don't know all the technical details of it all, but I know there are some fairly decent reasons why we don't have all of these in CSS. Part of it is the difficulty of getting it specced (e.g. words and characters get tricky across written languages) and part of it is the difficulty of implementing the...
CSS Tricks

Apply a Filter to a Background Image

You can apply a filter to an entire element quite easily with the filter property. But what if you want to apply a filter just to the background of an element? It's weirdly tricky. There are CSS properties that specific to backgrounds, like background-blend-mode — but blending and filters are not the same thing. It sorta seems to be the reason we have backdrop-filter, but not quite. That does filtering as the background interacts with what is behind the element. There is no background-filter, unfortunately. What are we to do?   Use a pseudo-element instead of a background If you put the contents of the element in an inside wrapper, you can set that on top of a pseudo-element that is simply pretending to be a background. .module { position: relative; } .module::before ...
CSS Tricks

Preventing a Grid Blowout

Say you have a very simple CSS grid layout with one column fixed at 300px and another taking up the rest of the space at 1fr. .grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 300px; } That's somewhat robust. That 1fr column will take up any remaining space left behind by the fixed 300px column. It's true that the auto value would do the same, but auto isn't quite as robust since it's size is based on the content inside. So, if you had too little content, then your column might not fill the entire space you want it to. But while 1fr is slightly more robust, it won't quite protect you from content that is too big!   Here's the grid behaving just fine with some text content: Now, watch that right column get blown off the page when we drop a gigantic image in that colum...
CSS Tricks

The Shapes of CSS

CSS is capable of making all sorts of shapes. Squares and rectangles are easy, as they are the natural shapes of the web. Add a width and height and you have the exact size rectangle you need. Add border-radius and you can round that shape, and enough of it you can turn those rectangles into circles and ovals. We also get the ::before and ::after psuedo elements in CSS, which give us the potential of two more shapes we can add to the original element. By getting clever with positioning, transforming, and many other tricks, we can make lots of shapes in CSS with only a single HTML element.   Square #square { width: 100px; height: 100px; background: red; } Rectangle #rectangle { width: 200px; height: 100px; background: red; } Circle #circle { wid...
Developing With Automad
CSS Tricks

Developing With Automad

Selecting the right CMS for a blog or website can be difficult. Every web project has its own needs and requirements, meaning one CMS may be a better fit for one site but not so much for a different site. Simple solutions might be lacking some essential features, while more complex systems can create easily overhead for a given task. I want to cover Automad, a CMS that is less-known than, say, a behemoth like WordPress, but still offers some powerful features like it while maintaining the nimbleness of smaller, simpler solutions, like static site generators.   Specifically, Automad fills a gap between larger and smaller offerings in a few key ways: It is file-based, but does not require a database. This ensures quick setup, portability, security, speed, and easy deployme...