Wednesday, March 12
Web Tricks

Web Scraping Scotch: The Node Way

A lot of new web technologies and design paradigms have emerged in the last couple of years. Some programming languages are beginning to gain increasing popularity. It's very likely to have heard about concepts like responsive design, hybrid mobile/desktop apps, progressive web apps(PWAs), single page applications(SPAs), server-side rendered(SSR) apps, serverless architechture, the list goes on. While every modern web developer aims at getting up to speed with these technologies, there are a few less popular web concepts and techniques that are quite useful - one of which is web scraping. In this tutorial, we will take a look at web scraping and practical ways we can harness the technique. What is Web Scraping? In very simple terms, web scraping is the technique of extracting data from web...
Web Tricks

Add Authentication to Any Web Page in 10 Minutes

This content is sponsored via Syndicate Ads Adding authentication to web pages can be pretty annoying. While I'd like to say that over the course of my programming tenure I've learned to easily add authentication to any app I create, my attempts tend to devolve into me bickering with myself endlessly over a User schema and the most efficient way to share my user data between components. One of the greatest things that's happened in recent years, however, is the proliferation of identity and user management API services like Okta, which handle many of the typical authentication woes for you, including: User registration User login Multi-factor authentication Authorization (groups, permissions, etc.) Social login Okta essentially handles all the bullshit you typically need to build when you ...
Web Tricks

MongoDB 3.6: JSON Schema Validation and Expressive Query Syntax

One of MongoDB’s key strengths has always been developer empowerment: by relying on a flexible schema architecture, MongoDB makes it easier and faster for applications to move through the development stages from proof-of-concept to production and iterate over update cycles as requirements evolve. However, as applications mature and scale, they tend to reach a stable stage where frequent schema changes are no longer critical or must be rolled out in a more controlled fashion, to prevent undesirable data from being inserted into the database. These controls are especially important when multiple applications write into the same database, or when analytics processes rely on predefined data structu...
Web Tricks

8 Awesome New Features in Sublime Text 3.1

What are developers without code editors? I can't seem to think of a clear answer to that. In recent times, code editors have evolved from traditional IDEs to smarter and faster tools. While some favor speed with a minimal user interface (Sublime Text), others choose extended functionality at the cost of lesser speed (Atom, WebStorm). Sublime Text is one such code editor that favors speed. It is still incredibly fast Following the recent release of the Sublime Text 3.1, we shall be discussing awesome features and improvements made in this version, from better support for high res devices to improved color schemes, ligatures, file system management and improved performance. Here are the top 8 features and/or improvements in version 3.1 Improved Text Rendering and Ligature Support While a...
Web Tricks

Conditional Routing with React Router v4

When building React applications, one thing developers don’t like to utilize is routing in React - usually because of the assumed learning curve involved. In this article, we are going to debunk that myth and show you how easy it is to implement routing and serving responsive routes in your React applications. In layman’s terms, responsive routing is pretty much serving different routes to users based on the viewport of their device. CSS media queries are usually used to achieve this. The only issue with this is the fact that with media queries, you’re restricted to either showing or not showing different elements by using the CSS props. With responsive routes, you can now serve entire separate views our React applications to different users based directly on their screen sizes. What we’ll...
Web Tricks

Build A Scroll-Spy Navbar (Solution to Code Challenge #9)

Last week we put out a challenge to build out a scroll-spy navbar. Scroll-spy navbars are great and highlights the navbar menu when a specific element or portion of the page comes into view. Are you yet to take the challenge? Do so and showcase your submission in the comment section of the post or on Twitter using the hashtag #scotchchallenge to receive reviews. This challenge can be completed using any language, tool, technique or technology. In this post we shall be solving this challenge by implementing the scroll-spy on the provided base code using Vanilla JavaScript and in-view.js. This will be achieved in about 11 lines of code. In-view.js is a JavaScript utility which notifies us when a DOM element enters or exits a viewport. The Base Base code was provided for this challenge which ...
Web Tricks

Announcing THE Book on Server Side Rendering for React with Next.js

With the high demand for SEO and high-performant web application, server-side rendering has become innevitable for commercial websites since they need to be found and ranked higher than their competitors. Building SSR with frontend frameoworks/libraries like React is quite challenging and the flow can get tricky. Next.js is a platform that simplifies SSR and helps the developr focus on just building a React app. Why NextJS Next.js was built to bridge the gap between frontend and backend development. Since it is built on React, there is a really low learning curve for frontend developers who want to start building fullstack Javascript web applications. It also has some incredible features that come built in. Here’s a list of some Next.js features: Ease of use Automatic code splitting ...

Google Flutter vs Swift, Java and Kotlin

Mobile app development has moved toward hybrid apps, using the web stack (HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript,) and frameworks like Phonegap or React Native. But when it comes to the development of high demand (in terms of performance) mobile apps, using native languages like Swift for iOS and Java for Android is still the way to go. This might change with Googles Flutter framework. Check out the video: Thanks! Stef The post Google Flutter vs Swift, Java and Kotlin appeared first on Source: Killerphp
Angular 2 Interview Questions for Freshers

Angular 2 Interview Questions for Freshers

  We are in a very fast evolving web world which comes up with new web paraphernalia every day.Ultimately resulting the expansion in job opportunities, to grab which we face a nip and tuck competition. In the world of web application development, the Angular is considered to be the new plus ultra among open source JavaScript frameworks. And, Angular 2 is one among the latest versions of Angular. Angular 2 is the framework to build a large-scale web application with high performance and is very easy to maintain.Due to which it is the top of the heap framework in demand.Companies always want a new stock in the company, be it in business or the staff. So, companies always look for the best candidate with the acquired knowledge of new concept in the market.Angular 2 framework ...

The 2018 Tour De Nerd Language Race is ON!!

Which programming language is fastest? Which language will win the software development race? The participants include: C++ C# Java PHP Python JavaScript Ruby … and a late entrant, server side Swift. When measuring a programming language’s speed, you have to consider three things: write time, deployment and run-time. Learn PHP web development fast: Learn Python 3 fast: Create an AMAZING Business: Thanks! Stef The post The 2018 Tour De Nerd Language Race is ON!! appeared first on Source: Killerphp
Laravel Https : Forcing all routing to Https from Http

Laravel Https : Forcing all routing to Https from Http

  Https help us to secure our web application and increase your increase users trust on our website. HTTPS: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure is the secure version of HTTP. Http and Https are protocols over which our data is sent from browser to the server or website we are connected or browsing.When we Https all communication between browser and server is done in an encrypted way.Https protect highly confidential online transactions like online banking and online shopping order forms. In this article, I am going in detail about Https, here we are going to see different ways to force our Laravel routes or URLs to HTTPs from Http. Different ways or methods to force Laravel Url to HTTPs Using environment variables. Using Middleware Using Apache Virtual host Usin...
Laravel Pagination

Laravel Pagination

  Pagination in Laravel According to Wikipedia Pagination is a process of separating or dividing a document or digital contents into discrete pages.In CORE PHP and other frameworks, paginating records is a painful task. Laravel Pagination provides convenient and easy-to-use database records pagination with the help of Laravel’s paginator which is integrated by default with query builder and Eloquent ORM. Here in this article, we are going to see how easy to implement pagination in Laravel. While using Laravel you will find several methods to paginate records. Paginate method is simplest and easiest way to implement Laravel Paginations.It will automatically configure the pagination’s limit and offset based on the current page user is browsing. Here is sample Example to implement...

Sending messages using SENDBIRD API in Laravel

  SENDBIRD API INTEGRATION WITH LARAVEL In this article I will be integrating the SendBird API into a Laravel based website. This will require some novice knowledge of Laravel such as working with the file system, views and some other basic Laravel functionality. When using this API you will also need to understand the basics of using a REST API. GETTING STARTED The first thing you need to do is wait for the API key to become available after creating your new app. I would like to let you know that a message comes up and you will wait for it to go away before you can start making calls to the API. What they don’t tell you is that it’s not a dynamic call, so you will need to refresh the page or you’ll be waiting all day for it to go away. SendBird API calls are all RES...

8 Tips for Improving Bootstrap Accessibility

A few years ago, I wrote about my experiences on developing a Bootstrap version 3 project to be fully accessible for people with disabilities. This focussed mostly on how accessible it is in terms of front-end design. (It didn’t cover accessibility in terms of screen readers, as that’s a whole other story.) While I could see that the developers behind Bootstrap were making an effort, there were a few areas where this popular UI library fell short. I could also see that there were issues raised on the project that showed they were actively improving — which is fantastic, considering how approximately 3.6% of websites use Bootstrap. Recently, Bootstrap version 4 was released, so let’s take a look and see if any of the issues I had in the past have improved. What We’re Looking For with Design...
Working with Angular CLI

Working with Angular CLI

  Exploring Angular Cli and its usage Angular has grown into an excellent framework over time which is used for the very purpose of developing applications across platforms. With the limited phase of the framework heading to the unlimited phase, you can expect many major features being added to this framework. Today we will talk about the CLI – Command Line Interface of this framework, its uses to developers in exploiting the resources to the maximum to obtain optimum efficiency in terms of speed and productivity. The main purpose of Angular CLI is to create an application which works with ease. Angular CLI provides you an option to generate components, routes, services and pipes with a simple command. Numerous things can be achieved with the CLI alone. Some of the noticeable ...