Friday, February 21

Tag: GraphQL

Web Tricks

GraphQL On The Front-End (React And Apollo)

One of the main benefits of GraphQL is the client’s ability to request what they need from the server and receive that data exactly and predictably. Without much effort, one can easily pull nested data by just adding more properties to our queries instead of adding multiple endpoints. This prevents issues like over-fetching that can impact performance. Usually, to handle GraphQL on the client-side, we make use of the Apollo Client. It allows developers to define, handle, and make queries/mutations available within our application. It can also act as a state management tool with your client-side application. In this article, we’re going to learn how to handle real-time updates on the client-side using GraphQL. We’ll be learning how to do this with GraphQL Features like Cache Update, Subsc...
Web Tricks

Making GraphQL Work In WordPress

Headless WordPress seems to be in vogue lately, with many new developments taking place in just the last few weeks. One of the reasons for the explosion in activity is the release of version 1.0 of WPGraphQL, a GraphQL server for WordPress. WPGraphQL provides a GraphQL API: a way to fetch data from, and post data to, a WordPress website. It enables us to decouple the experience of managing our content, which is done via WordPress, from rendering the website, for which we can use the library of the framework of our choice (React, Vue.js, Gatsby, Next.js, or any other). Until recently, WPGraphQL was the only GraphQL server for WordPress. But now another such plugin is available: GraphQL API for WordPress, authored by me. These two plugins serve the same purpose: to provide a GraphQL API...
CSS Tricks

How to Make GraphQL and DynamoDB Play Nicely Together

Serverless, GraphQL, and DynamoDB are a powerful combination for building websites. The first two are well-loved, but DynamoDB is often misunderstood or actively avoided. It’s often dismissed by folks who consider it only worth the effort “at scale.” That was my assumption, too, and I tried to stick with a SQL database for my serverless apps. But after learning and using DynamoDB, I see the benefits of it for projects of any scale. To show you what I mean, let’s build an API from start to finish — without any heavy Object Relational Mapper (ORM) or GraphQL framework to hide what is really going on. Maybe when we’re done you might consider giving DynamoDB a second look. I think it is worth the effort. The main objections to DynamoDB and GraphQL The main objection to DynamoDB is that it is...
Web Tricks

Reactive Variables In GraphQL Apollo Client

In this article, we will look at how to set up reactive variables, how the GraphQL cache polices come into place in defining read and writes to the cache, and provide the ability for developers to add types that exist on the client-side alone so that we can structure queries for client-side variables same way we can for remote GraphQL data. After learning more about the fundamentals of reactive variables, we will build a simple app that switches the theme of our application to either dark mode or light mode based on the value of our reactive variable. We will be looking at how to query a reactive variable, how to update the value stored in a reactive variable, and how the change in value triggers updates in components that depend on the reactive variable for certain actions to occur. The ...
How To Build A GraphQL Server Using Next.js API Routes
Web Tricks

How To Build A GraphQL Server Using Next.js API Routes

Next.js gives you the best developer experience with all the features you need for production. It provides a straightforward solution to build your API using Next.js API routes. In this guide, we will be first learning what are API Routes, and then create a GraphQL server that retrieves the data from the Github API using the Next.js API Routes. To get the most out of this tutorial, you need at least a basic understanding of GraphQL. Knowledge of Apollo Server would help but is not compulsory. This tutorial would benefit those who want to extend their React or Next.js skills to the server-side and be able to build as well their first full-stack app with Next.js and GraphQL. So, let’s dive in. What Are Next.js API Routes? Next.js is a framework that enables rendering React apps on the cli...
Web Tricks

GraphQL API with AWS and Use with React

GraphQL has become a go-to API implementation for developers looking to take advantage of features liketype safety, network efficiency, real-time data with subscriptions & more. Building, managing, & deploying your own GraphQL server can be tedious & time consuming, especially for developers new to the technology that may want to quickly get a real-world, secure & scalable GraphQL API up and running without having to learn how to create it from scratch (as well as spend the time learning best practices around API design & authorization).   Introducing AWS AppSync In this post we'll learn how to use AWS AppSync, a fully managed GraphQL service, to create a serverless GraphQL API. AWS AppSync allows developers to quickly create serverless, scalable & secu...
Web Tricks

GraphQL – The Good and the Bad

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API as well as gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more. It makes it easier to evolve APIs over time and enables powerful developer tools. At least that's what we all know it to be. In this post, we'll look at all the wonderful things about GraphQL and also look at the unpopular "not so good" things about it. Let's kick it off with the good parts :) The Good Exact data fetching The importance and usefulness of GrphQL exact data fetching feature cannot be overemphasized. With GraphQL, you can send a query to your API and get exactly what you need, nothing more and nothin...