Tuesday, October 22

Tag: php

PHP Courses for College in 2017 and 2018

PHP Courses for College in 2017 and 2018

One of the reasons PHP is a good language to teach server side programming with, is because it is relatively easy to setup a PHP environment on each student’s workstation. With free apps like MAMP and WAMP, you can install a fully functional PHP installation with MySQL, Apache and it comes with an easy to use control panel to manage the servers. With this 1-click install running, students will be able to explore concepts like: web servers database servers http directory and how it impact server side code processing … And more. StudioWeb’s interactive PHP courses teach not only the fundamentals of programming, we also have included key project based courses (crud with PHP, PHP tag cloud) that allow students to see PHP used in a real-world programming context. Teachers benefit f...


Every entrepreneur and business owner is familiar with the term ROI. However, when it comes to their business websites they have little or nothing to say when talking about ROI. The overwhelming amount of information in the digital world can trick even the sharpest mind. There seems to be one to many online marketing strategies out there and it can be hard to choose what really works and how to take advantage of it. The pace with which technology advances is incredible and in the last decades, it has gone insane. There is digital innovation everywhere and there is so much of it that we can barely keep up with what is changing within our houses. No one seems to watch TV or play board games anymore. All we hear about in the living room is Netflix, Xbox, and countless different names of apps...
PHP is Server Side Programming’s Rocky!

PHP is Server Side Programming’s Rocky!

I’ve been writing code since 1994, and have used many programming languages over the years to build commercial apps. Thought PHP was NOT my favorite language, years ago, I came to respect the pragmatic and effective nature of the PHP universe. From day one, with PHP, you just got things done fast. PHP sucks! PHP is old! Funny, PHP is the programming world’s whipping boy. People have been disparaging the language for years and years. And yet, like Rocky Balboa, it just keeps on coming and winning! PHP now powers more websites than any other server side programming language … some estimates say nearly 80%! Consider that the 3 most popular CMS’ are built with PHP (WordPress, Drupal and Joomla) … it stands to reason. Contrast that to the once darling of the nerd-hipster programming wor...
The Critical Job of Testing … in App Development

The Critical Job of Testing … in App Development

Hi! We are about to lock-down an app’s code base, before moving to a total rewrite from scratch. But before we move on, it is important that the current version be pretty much bug free, and fully functional. … Just in case the new version of the app doesn’t hit deadlines on time. At least we will have a fallback position. Death by last minute changes! So we decided to implement some last little changes to the soon to retired app, and in the process of making these small changes, not so small bugs crept in. That is a symptom of, and one of the reasons we are doing a rewrite – messy old code base. After many years and developers, the code base is just getting a little to creepy to want to mess with. Developers are scared to mess around. Test, test again, and retest! I make it a point...