Thursday, February 6

Web Tricks

Web Tricks

Monthly Web Development Update 9/2018: Native Lazy Loading And Imaginary Work

Monthly Web Development Update 9/2018: Native Lazy Loading And Imaginary WorkMonthly Web Development Update 9/2018: Native Lazy Loading And Imaginary Work Anselm Hannemann 2018-09-14T14:50:19+02:00 2018-09-14T13:06:51+00:00 It’s an interesting concept to compare JavaScript with CO2 and yet a very valid one. Alex Russel who works for the Chrome team and has a lot of insights into the current state of the web says that using too much JavaScript or using it exclusively (without progressive enhancement/graceful degradation) will have the same effect as too much CO2 for the ecosystem on planet Earth — the ecosystem will fall apart. And just like we need a certain am...
Moving from NodeJS to Go
Web Tricks

Moving from NodeJS to Go

The approach of this article is this: You are a seasoned NodeJS developer, and are looking to learn a new language, but you don't want to go deep, just see how things compare with your current expertise, and then make a final decision. Chances are, you were initially a PHP developer, then you found your way into NodeJS and now you feel like you want to expand your expertise. Of course I might be wrong, but in this article we are going to look at some common patterns when working with NodeJS and how they compare in Go. Prerequisites Approach Since this is a NodeJS to Go comparison, we're going to focus on language constructs and servers. We'll break it down like this: Why Go The most common reasons to learn Go include the following: We see that Go has only 25 keywords, and this can give you...
Uber Unveils Simple New Rebrand
Web Tricks

Uber Unveils Simple New Rebrand

A little less than three years ago, Uber rebranded as the cab-service of choice for dystopian sci-fi pac-man fans. It was a move reportedly intended to recast the startup as the choice of every day people; it actually stripped the brand of all personal connections. This week, a little less than three years longer than it should have waited, Uber have unveiled a far more coherent, far more appealing identity. Designed by the “Uber Brand Experience” team alongside Wolff Olins, the rebrand does an excellent job of correcting the obvious deficiencies in the previous identity. As a corporation—they’re really no longer a startup—Uber is globally recognized; from name-drops in Netflix series, to street signs in Rome (mis)informing potential customers of heavy fines for using the service, you’ll...
Smashing Book 6 Is Here: New Frontiers In Web Design
Web Tricks

Smashing Book 6 Is Here: New Frontiers In Web Design

Smashing Book 6 Is Here: New Frontiers In Web DesignSmashing Book 6 Is Here: New Frontiers In Web Design Vitaly Friedman 2018-09-13T13:25:00+02:00 2018-09-13T21:39:43+00:00 Imagine you were living in a perfect world. A world where everybody has fast, stable and unthrottled connections, reliable and powerful devices, exquisite screens, and capable, resilient browsers. The screens are diverse in size and pixel density, yet our interfaces adapt to varying conditions swiftly and seamlessly. What a glorious time for all of us — designers, developers, senior Webpack configurators and everybody in-between — to be alive, wouldn’t you agree? Well, we all know that the ...
30 Tools and Services That Boost Productivity
Web Tricks

30 Tools and Services That Boost Productivity

The market is overcrowded with web tools and services, today it’s easy to launch your own product and everybody is playing the game. It’s good to have competition but some of these solutions are far from being excellent in terms of functionality, safety, and support, but the pricing is the same as premium solutions, so it’s hard to judge which to use. Testing them all, and picking the best takes time and money. That’s why we’ve handpicked a collection of excellent web tools and services from different fields: logo and website builders, analytics and feedback, landing page creators, and much more. Check these 30 tools and services that will boost productivity. 1. Tailor Social – The Smarter Social Media Management Tool Tailor Social, gives you the tools to take your social media to the nex...
Styling Broken Images
Web Tricks

Styling Broken Images

Images should add that extra touch of beauty to your site. But what happens when the image fails to load? You end up with this annoying looking icon: Nobody want this on their website. Luckily, there's a fall back option that will make our page retain it's pretty look. Let's get started with styling broken images. Getting Started Now how do we create a custom style for our broken images? Before jumping into styling a broken image we first need to understand a few things about the <img> tag. Regular typography styles : These styles are applied to the alternate text (alt). It only shows up when the image is broken. If the image happens to load as expected then the alternate text and its styling will be ignored altogether. This doesn't mean we wasted our time to style it, since we actu...
Web Tricks

The Importance Of Manual Accessibility Testing

The Importance Of Manual Accessibility TestingThe Importance Of Manual Accessibility Testing Eric Bailey 2018-09-12T13:30:55+02:00 2018-09-12T12:04:44+00:00 Earlier this year, a man drove his car into a lake after following directions from a smartphone app that helps drivers navigate by issuing turn-by-turn directions. Unfortunately, the app’s programming did not include instructions to avoid roads that turn into boat launches. From the perspective of the app, it did exactly what it was programmed to do, i.e. to find the most optimal route from point A to point B given the information made available to it. From the perspective of the man, it failed him by not ...
How to Recover Abandoned ECommerce Carts
Web Tricks

How to Recover Abandoned ECommerce Carts

If WordPress is the world’s favorite blogging platform, then WooCommerce is surely the most popular e-commerce solution available. WooCommerce is currently leading the WordPress e-commerce market and in popularity exceeds its nearest rivals—Shopify and Magento—roughly 4 times over. In this post we’ll learn how to capture and recover abandoned shopping carts in WooCommerce and how to create a successful abandoned cart recovery email. But before we dive in, let’s quickly look at what cart abandonment is, and how we can reduce it in the first instance. What is Shopping Cart Abandonment? Shopping cart abandonment is an e-commerce term that is used to define the action when a visitor adds items to their shopping cart and then decides to leave the website without completing a purchase—they li...
Web Tricks

Javascript's three dots ( … ): Spread vs rest operators

Javascript's ECMA6 came out with some cool new features; ... is one of these new Javascript functionalities. It can be used in two different ways; as a spread operator OR as a rest parameter. Rest parameter: collects all remaining elements into an array. Spread operator: allows iterables( arrays / objects / strings ) to be expanded into single arguments/elements. In this article we will look into these two ways of using ...; keeping it short and sweet as usual. Enjoy! Rest parameters From the definition we saw earlier, rest parameters collect all the remaining elements into an array. This allows us to do really neat function definitions. Let's see how we put them to use. function add(x, y) { return x + y; } add(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) // returns 3 The above function call returns 3, this is becau...
Web Tricks

Going From ES5 to ES6 (Solution to Code Challenge #13)

Last week on the code challenge #13 we looked at converting sample code in ES5 to even simpler and more readable code in ES6. Yet to take the challenge? You can check it out here. In this post, we shall solve the challenge. Awesome entries for the challenge can be found in the comment section of the post, on Twitter using the hashtag #ScotchChallenge and on the Spectrum forum. The Challenge No doubt that the ES6 version of JavaScript came with tons of amazing and useful features making web development with JavaScript even simpler and less error-prone. In this challenge, we are presented with a set of 5 different code pieces requiring a re-write using a key ES6 feature. We would go over these individual challenges and the solution for each shortly. However, we were provided with boilerplat...
Web Tricks

Picking the Right TLD for Your Next Project

Being in tech — especially if you're in the B2C world — gives you a lot of freedom the rest of the business world doesn't get to enjoy. You're primarily dealing with people who understand basic workflows, you can generally expect their browsers to be updated, and most importantly for us, people in tech tend to be far less resistant to new things than the rest of us. So when it comes to finding the perfect domain name for your next project, there's a lot of freedom. ... perhaps too much freedom. With 400+ TLDs available at iwantmyname, choice paralysis can definitely set in. Here's some help to get you through it. .com is the safe way to go There's nothing wrong with choosing a .com for any project. It's the most trusted, most expected TLD on the planet, and that's not likely to change in...
Smashing Book 6 Released
Web Tricks

Smashing Book 6 Released

The hotly anticipated Smashing Book 6: New Frontiers in Web Design, is released today. Dedicated to some of the thorniest problems we face in our professional lives, it takes a swing at some of the biggest headache-triggering issues in contemporary web design, from the accessibility of single-page apps in React and Angular, to designing for Smart watches. You’ll find solutions to problems with CSS’ latest layout tool CSS Grid, as well as CSS custom properties—the much needed answer to variables in CSS—plus asset loading in the world of HTTP/2. As well as the developer-focused content that makes Smashing popular, you’ll also find some design-specific topics. The book covers implementing design systems in the real world, designing conversational user interfaces, both augmented and virtual ...
18 Tips For Running a Successful Design Sprint
Web Tricks

18 Tips For Running a Successful Design Sprint

Development time is a precious resource. In order to be more efficient and responsive, product teams continuously try to use advanced techniques for product creation. One of the most popular frameworks that help the product team to achieve this goal is a design sprint. A design sprint is a framework that helps answer critical business questions through rapid prototyping and user testing. Basically, it’s a shortcut to learn without building and launching a real product. In this article, I want to highlight key things that should be taken into account when running a sprint. Before the Sprint Preparing for a sprint is one of the most critical steps in the process. Proper preparation will help make the best use of the time you’ll spend on this activity. 1. Write a Sprint Brief A sprint brief ...
Getting Started with React Router v4
Web Tricks

Getting Started with React Router v4

There are certain things we just can't build applications without: routing is one of them. Routing is necessary when switching between components in an application. React Router is one of many options you have when it comes to implementing routing in React applications. React Router continues to receive constant updates and is now at v4.x which is readily compatible with React v16. In this tutorial, we'll go through the vital concepts needed to get started with React Router 4. We'll set up our project with create-react-app which provides a quick way to get a react environment up and running. Preparing our application #React App Setup At this point we'll need to have create-react-app installed. If you haven't done this yet, run this command to install it globally: npm install -g create-reac...
Web Tricks

RxJS Operators for Dummies: forkJoin, zip, combineLatest, withLatestFrom

If you are confused about the differences between forkJoin, zip, combineLatest and withLatestFrom, you are not alone! :) These 4 operators are what we know as combination operators - we use them when we need to join information from multiple observables. Which operator should I use? That is what this article is for! We will talk about the usage and differences between these 4 operators in an easy to understand way, so you know which one to choose when the time comes. Setup Imagine you are printing t-shirts. Ms. Color holds the color information and Mr. Logo holds the logo information. Both of them will pick color and logo spontaneously. You will need to wait and combine these two information continuously in order to print t-shirts. Ms. Color and Mr. Logo represent two observables in our...